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After Dark Page 16

  "Minutes of evidence collected concerning Louis Trudaine, suspected, onthe denunciation of Citizen Superintendent Danville, of hostility to thesacred cause of liberty, and of disaffection to the sovereignty of thepeople. (1.) The suspected person is placed under secret observation,and these facts are elicited: He is twice seen passing at night from hisown house to a house in the Rue de Clery. On the first night he carrieswith him money--on the second, papers. He returns without either.These particulars have been obtained through a citizen engaged to helpTrudaine in housekeeping (one of the sort called Servants in the daysof the Tyrants). This man is a good patriot, who can be trusted to watchTrudaine's actions. (2.) The inmates of the house in the Rue de Cleryare numerous, and in some cases not so well known to the Government ascould be wished. It is found difficult to gain certain information aboutthe person or persons visited by Trudaine without having recourse to anarrest. (3.) An arrest is thought premature at this preliminary stage ofthe proceedings, being likely to stop the development of conspiracy, andgive warning to the guilty to fly. Order thereupon given to watch andwait for the present. (4.) Citizen Superintendent Danville quits Parisfor a short time. The office of watching Trudaine is then taken outof the hands of the undersigned, and is confided to his comrade,Magloire.--Signed, PICARD. Countersigned, LOMAQUE."